Q1. Funk invented  
- Whom invented -
(a) Vitamins / Vitamin 
(b) Hormones / Hormones 
(c) Proteins / Protein 
(d) Enzymes / Enzyme
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Sol. Kazimierz Funk is generally credited with being among the first to formulate the concept of vitamins, which he called “vital amines” or “vitamins”. Umetaro Suzuki had in 1910 succeeded in extracting a water-soluble complex of micronutrients from rice bran and had named it “aberic acid”. 

Q2. What are vitamins? 
What are vitamins? 
(a) Organic compound / organic compound 
(b) Inorganic compound / inorganic compound 
(c) Living organism / living organisms 
(d) None of these / None of these
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Sol. Vitamins are organic compounds and a vital nutrient that an organism requires in limited amounts. An organic chemical compound (or related set of compounds) is called a vitamin when the organism cannot synthesize the compound in sufficient quantities and must be obtained through the diet.

Q3 Which one of the following groups of compounds is called 'accessory dietary factor'? 
Which of the following groups of compounds is called 'Auxiliary Diet Factor'? 
(a) Fats / fats (b) Hormones / Hormones (c) Proteins / Protein (d) Vitamins / Vitamins

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Sol. Frederick Gowland Hopkins was the first scientist to elucidate the “accessory food factor,” the idea that food contains trace amounts of substances essential for nutrition. Accessory food factors later came to be called vitamins.

Q4. Which of the following elements is not possible for plant growth? 
Which of the following is not necessary for the development of the plant
(a) Sodium / sodium 
(b) Potassium / Potassium 
(c) Calcium / Calcium 
(d) Magnesium / Magnesium
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Sol. Essential elements are classified into following two categories. 
•Macro elements (Major elements) – These are required by the plant in larger quantities. Eg-Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H), Oxygen (O), Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca) and Sulphur (S). 
•Microelements (Minor elements or Trace elements)- These are required by the plant in low quantities. Example are Boron (B), Zinc (Zn), Manganese (Mn), Copper (Cu), Molybdenum (Mo), Chlorine (CI), Iron (Fe) and Nickel (Ni). 

Q5. Vitamin B5 is called? 
What is vitamin B5 called? 
(a) Pantothenic acid / Pantothanic acid 
(b) Folic acid / Folic acid 
(c) Ratinol / Rational 
(d) Tocopherol / Tocopherol
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Sol. Vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that is found in all living cells within the body.Aside from being critical in manufacturing red blood cells, vitamin B5 also plays a part in producing sex and stress-related hormones produced in the adrenal glands.

Q6. Vitamin B6 is called? 
What is vitamin B6 called? 
(a) Niacin / niacin 
(b) Tocopherol / Tocopherol    
(c) Phyridoxin / Pyridoxine 
(d) Ratinol / Rational
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Sol. Vitamin B6, also called pyridoxine, is a water-soluble nutrient that is part of the B vitamin family. B6 vitamins, help support adrenal function, help calm and maintain a healthy nervous system, and are necessary for key metabolic processes.

Q7 In which category of food is 
maximum amount of calories per unit: -  What is the maximum calorie intake per unit of food:
(a) Vitamins / Vitamin 
(b) Fats / Fat 
(c) Carbohydrates / Carbohydrate 
(d) Proteins / Proteins
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Sol. Fats have highest calorie value per unit because of its higher rate of oxidation due to less oxygen. 400 kilocalorie energy is obtained by metabolic oxidation of 1 gm carbohydrate or protein whereas 9.3 k-calorie is received by fats from the same amount. Flora and Fauna, both are a source of fats.

Q8. Apples have special value for heart patients, because they are rich source of  
apples - Apple's heart has special significance for patients, because of which its rich source is-
(a) Sodium and Potassium / Sodium and Potassium 
(b) Phosphorus and Magnesium / Phosphorus And magnesium 
(c) Potassium and Phosphorus / potassium and phosphorus 
(d) Potassium only / Potassium only
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Sol. Potassium is an electrolyte, which is a mineral that has an electric charge. It plays an important role in maintaining a healthy heart rhythm through muscle action. Apple trees absorb potassium in a greater amount than any other nutrient, so apples are a rich source of potassium. 

Q9. Vitamin A is called? 
What is Vitamin A called? 
(a) Thiamine / Thiamine 
(b) Ratinol / Ratinol 
(c) Riboflovin / Ribofilovine 
(d) Pyridoxin / Periodoxin
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Sol. Vitamin A is a term for a large number of related compounds (e.g., retinol, retinal, retinoic acid), which are known as 'retinoids'.

Q10. Which one of the following vitamins and deficiency diseases is wrongly matched? 
Which of the following vitamins and diseases has been wrongly matched? 
(a) Calciferol / Calciferol  Osteomalacia / bone marrow 
(b) Niacin / Niacin  Pellagra / Palaagra 
(c) Cobalamin / Kobalmin  Pernicious anemia / Pestal vascularity 
(d) Riboflavin / riboflavin  Beri-beri / Berry-Berry
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Sol. Beri-beri disease is caused by a deficiency of Vitamin B_1 whose chemical name is Thiamin. Other options are correctly matched. Riboflavin is the chemical name of Vitamin B_2 which is responsible for stomatitis and malnutrition.

Q11. The following vegetables, the maximum 
vitamin C found in: Which of the following vegetables is found in the  maximum vitamin C
(a) Chilli / Chilli 
(b) Pumpkin / Pumpkin 
(c) Pea / Pea 
(d) Radish / Radish
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Sol. Among the above vegetables, the maximum Vitamin C is found in chilli. Vitamin C present in each 100 gram of chilli, pumpkin, pea and radish is 143. 7, 9, 40 and 14.8 milligram respectively.

Q12. Which vitamin is found in citrus fruits and is essential for maintaining healthy  
(a) Vitamin A / Vitamin A 
(b) ) Vitamin B / Vitamin B 
(c) Vitamin C / Vitamin C 
(d) Vitamin D / Vitamin D
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Sol. Vitamin ‘C’ occurs in various citrus fruits like lemon, orange, gooseberry etc. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin which is necessary for normal growth and development. Ascorbic acid is the chemical name of Vitamin C. Deficiency of this vitamin causes the disease Scurvy in human.

Q13. The main source of vitamin 'K' is- 
What is the main source of vitamin 'K'  -
(a) Spinach / spinach 
(b) Milk / Milk 
(c) Ghee / Ghee 
(d) Pulses / Pulses
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Sol. Vitamin A is the major constituent of milk, ghee and is enriched by fats and pulses which are the rich source of protein. Vitamin K is found in the following foods:
Green leafy vegetables( kale, spinach, turnip greens, collards, Swiss chard, mustard greens, parsley, romaine, and green leaf lettuce..)

Q14. Kanchan 'is a improved variety of -  
' Kanchan 'is an advanced variety of which - 
(a) Grapes / Grapes 
(b) Indian gooseberry / Indian gooseberry 
(c) Guava / Guava 
(m) Mango / Mango
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Sol. The fruits of Indian gooseberry are rich in medicinal properties. It is rich in vitamin C. Kanchan, Krishna and Banarasi are some of its improved verities.

Q15. The best source of 
vitamins C is:   What is the best source of vitamin C:
(a) Apple / Apple 
(b) Mango / Common 
(c) Goose Berry / Karounda 
(d) Milk / Milk
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Sol. Gooseberry, orange, tomato, lemon, papaya, peas, etc. are a rich source of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid). It is an important antioxidant which helps to protect against cancer, heart disease, stress, maintaining a healthy immune system and wound healing process. It is essential for sperm production and formation of collagen. The collagen protein involved in the building and health of cartilage, joints, skin and blood vessel etc.

Q1. Which Vitamin helps in healing the wound? 
Which vitamin helps to heal the wound? 
(a) Vitamin B / Vitamin B 
(b) Vitamin C / Vitamin C 
(c) Vitamin A / Vitamin A 
(d) Vitamin D / Vitamin D
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Sol. Gooseberry, orange, tomato, lemon, papaya, peas, etc. are a rich source of Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid). It is an important antioxidant which helps to protect against cancer, heart disease, stress, maintaining a healthy immune system and wound healing process. It is essential for sperm production and formation of collagen. The collagen protein involved in the building and health of cartilage, joints, skin and blood vessels etc.

Q2. Vitamin 'C' help in absorption of which of the following elements? 
Vitamin 'E' helps in the absorption of which of the following elements? 
(a) Iron / Iron 
(b) Calcium / Calcium 
(c) Iodine / iodine 
(d) Sodium / Sodium
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Sol. Vitamin C is helpful in iron absorption whereas vitamin D helps in absorption of magnesium and calcium.

Q3 Which of the following vitamins does not get stored in the body? 
Which of the following vitamins is not stored in the body
(a) Vitamin A / Vitamin A 
(b) Vitamin C / Vitamin C 
(c) Vitamin D / Vitamin D 
(d) Vitamin E / Vitamin E
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Sol. The body cannot store Vitamin C. Most vitamins are fat solute, which means they bond with fat molecules and can be stored in the body’s organs (particularly the liver and kidneys), tissues or blood for long periods of time. Vitamin C, on the other hand is actually water soluble and bonds instead of water, which is flushed out of the body via the urine rather quickly.

Q4. Which of the following is the disease of slow blood coagulation? 
Which of the following vitamin deficiency causes the slowing of blood clotting disease? 
(a) Vitamin C / Vitamin C 
(b) Vitamin D / Vitamin D 
(c) Vitamin E / Vitamin E 
(d) Vitamin K / Vitamin K
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Sol. Vitamin K is a responsible factor for blood coagulation and also certain proteins that the body uses to central binding of calcium in bone and other tissues. Without vitamin K, blood coagulation is seriously impaired and uncontrolled bleeding occurs. Vitamin K is known as antihaemorrahgic factor.

Q5 Vitamin B-9 is also called? 
Vitamin B-9 is also called ______? 
(a) Folic Acid / Folic Acid 
(b) Citric Acid / Citric Acid 
(c) Hydrochloric Acid / Hydrochloric Acid 
(d) Biotin / Biotin
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Sol. Vitamin B9 - otherwise known as Folate (naturally occurring in foods) or Folic Acid (a synthetic folate compound used in vitamin supplements because of its increased stability). The name comes from 'folium', which is the Latin word for leaves, because folates were first isolated from spinach.

Q6. Which of the following is synthesized by intestinal bacteria? 
Which of the following is synthesized by intestinal bacteria? 
(a) Vitamin B_12 / Vitamin B_12 
(b) Vitamin C / Vitamin C 
(c) Vitamin K / Vitamin K 
(d) Vitamin B_12 and Vitamin K both / Vitamin B_12 and Vitamin K
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Sol. Vitamin B_12 and vitamin K both are synthesized by bacteria in human intestine.

Q7 The source of Vitamin 'D' is- is the source of  
vitamin 'D' -
(a) Lemon / lemon 
(b) Sun rays / Sun's radiation 
(c) Orange / Orange 
(d) Cashewnut / Cashew
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Sol. The source of Vitamin D is sun rays. In fact, vitamin D is synthesized in our dermal cell by sun rays which is released in the blood. Besides of sun ray, Vitamin D is obtained from butter, the yolk of egg, liver, and kidney, etc. Rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults occur due to deficiency of Vitamin D. Together with Calcium deficiency of vitamin D causes osteoporosis in older adults.

Q8. The Deficiency of Vitamin D causes the disease: 
Vitamin D deficiency causes the disease: 
(a) Anemia / blood poisoning 
(b) Beri-Beri / Berry-Berry 
(c) Rickets / Rickets 
(d) Pellagra / Palagra
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Sol. The source of Vitamin D is sun rays. In fact, vitamin D is synthesized in our dermal cell by sun rays which is released in the blood. Besides of sun ray, Vitamin D is obtained from butter, the yolk of egg, liver, and kidney, etc. Rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults occur due to deficiency of Vitamin D. Together with Calcium deficiency of vitamin D causes osteoporosis in older adults.

Q9. Which of the following is found in the composition of Vitamin 'D'? 
Which of the following is found in the structure of vitamin 'D'? 
(a) Ascorbic acid / ascorbic acid 
(b) Calciferol / calciferol 
(c) Folic acid / folic acid 
(d) Retinol / retinol
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Sol. There are two chemical forms of vitamin D, namely vitamin D_2 sometimes referred to as (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D_3 sometimes referred to a (cholecalciferol). Vitamin C is known as ascorbic acid whereas vitamin A is known as retinol.

Q10. The common name of the chemical compound 'Cholecalciferol' is the common name of the chemical compound 'colacalciferol'  
(a) Bone Calcium / Bone Calcium 
(b) Vitamin D / Vitamin D 
(c) Vitamin B / Vitamin B 
(d) Vitamin C / Vitamin C
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Sol. There are two chemical forms of vitamin D, namely vitamin D_2 sometimes referred to as (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D_3 sometimes referred to a (cholecalciferol). Vitamin C is known as ascorbic acid whereas vitamin A is known as retinol.

Q11. Which one of the following pairs is not matched? 
Which of the following do not match correctly? 
(a) Niacin / Niacin  Pellagra / Palagra 
(b) Thiamine / Thiamine  Beri-Beri / Berry-Berry 
(c) Vitamin D / Vitamin  Rickets / Rickets 
(d) Vitamin K / Vitamin K  Sterility / Infertility
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Sol. The deficiency of Vitamin ‘K’ causes a problem in blood coagulation. Other pairs are correctly matched.

Q12. Deficiency of which vitamin can cause night blindness? 
Which vitamin deficiency can cause night blindness? 
(a) B_1 
(b) C 
(c) A 
(d) E
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Sol. Vitamin A is needed by the retina of the eye in the form of retinol, which combines with protein opsin to form rhodopsin, the light absorbing molecules necessary for both low light (scotopic vision) & colour vision.

Q13. In human body, vitamin A is stored in- In the human body, vitamin A is stored in  
(a) Liver / liver 
(b) Pancreas / pancreas 
(c) Spleen / Spleen 
(d) Stomach / stomach
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Sol. Vitamin A is largely stored in the liver in the human body. The chemical name is retinol whose deficiency causes night blindness.

Q14 Best Source of Vitamin B-12 
is What is the Best Source of Vitamin B-12  
(a) Citrus fruits / citrus fruits 
(b) Green chillies / green chillies 
(c) Eggs / eggs 
(d) Beans / legumes
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Sol. The best sources of Vitamin B12 include: eggs, milk, cheese, milk products, meat, fish, shellfish and poultry.

Q15. Which of the following is the richest source of vitamin A? 
Which of the following is the most abundant source of Vitamin A
(a) Apple / Apple 
(b) Papaya / Papaya 
(c) Guava / Guava 
(d) Mango / Mango
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Sol. Mango is a rich source of vitamin A among all fruits. It is also rich in vitamin C and E.

Q1. Biologists have found and discovered a large number of species in the plant and animal kingdom. In terms of numbers, 
biologists have so far discovered and identified a large number of species in plant and animal life. In terms of numbers, who is the most commonly known and identifiable, who is - 
(a) Fungi / Fungus 
(b) Plants / Bacteria 
(c) Insects / Insects 
(d) Bacteria / Bacteria
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Sol. Biologists scientifically estimated the number of arthropod species. About 10 million accounts for over 80% of all known living animal species. All insects belong to the group ‘Insecta’ which is a class of phylum Arthropoda. Class Insects represents the largest number of world species.

Q2.Assertion (A): Amoeba reproduces by fission. 
Assessment (A): Amoeba reproduces by fragmentation 
Reason (R): All unicellular organism reproduce by asexual methods. 
Logic (R): (R): All Unicellular organisms are reproduced in unusual ways. 
(a) (A) and (R) both correct, and (R) is correct explanation of (A). 
Both (A) and (R) are correct, and 
(R) is the correct explanation of (A) and (R) both correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). 
Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) (A) does not have the correct explanation. 
(c) (A) is correct, (R) is wrong (A) is correct, (R) is wrong 

d) (A) is wrong, (R) is correct 
(A) is incorrect, (R) is correct
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Sol. An Amoeba is a type of cell or organism which has the ability to alter its shape, primarily by extending and retracting pseudo-pods.
In Amoeba, binary fission is a type of asexual reproduction practiced by unicellular organisms in which the parent cell divides into two daughter cells.

Q3 Warm-blooded animals are those who are able to keep their body temperature: - The 
hot -blooded animals are those who are able to keep their body temperature : -
(a) Lower than environment / lower 
than environment (b) Higher than environment / High from the environment 
(c) Constant temperature all time / constant temperature all the time 
(d) Equal to the atmospheric temperature / equivalent of atmospheric temperature
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Sol. Warm-blooded creatures like mammals and birds are able to keep their bodies at a constant temperature. They do this by generating their own heat when they are in a cooler environment and by cooling themselves in a hotter environment. This process of maintaining a consistent environment inside the body is called homeostasis.

Q4. Which is the largest organ in human beings? 
Which is the largest organ of human body? 
(a) Skin / skin 
(b) Large intestine / Large intestine 
(c) Small intestine / small intestine 
(d) Liver / liver
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Sol. The skin is the largest organ of the body, with a total area of about 20 square feet. The skin protects us from microbes and the elements, helps regulate body temperature, and permits the sensations of touch, heat, and cold.

Q5.Of the following which is a fish? 
Which of the following is not a fish? 
(a) Starfish / Starfish 
(b) Sawfish / Saufish 
(c) Pipefish / Pipfish 
(d) Guitarfish / GuitarFish
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Sol. Starfish popularly called sea stars are related to the phylum Echinodermata while true fishes belong to the phylum Chordata. Starfish do not have gills, scales or fins which are basic characteristics of fishes.

Q6. Mammals respire by:  
mammals by whom to breathe:
(a) Gills / gill 
(b) Trachea / respiratory 
(c) Skin / skin 
(d) Lungs / lungs
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Sol. The lungs are the primary organ for respiration in mammals. In mammals, two lungs are located near the backbone on either side of the heart. Its function in the respiratory system is to extract oxygen from the atmosphere and transfer it into the bloodstream and to release carbon dioxide from the bloodstream into the atmosphere, in a process of gas exchange.

Q7 Which one is a true fish? 
Which of the following is a real fish? 
(a) Starfish / Starfish 
(b) Jelly fish / 
Jellyfish (c) Silverfish / Dogfish 
(d) Sea horse / C Horse
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Sol. Starfish or Sea stars are star-shaped echinoderms belonging to the class Asteroidea.
Sea horse is the name given to 54 species of small marine fishes of the genus Hippocampus which is bony fish.

Q8. Which of the following is fish? 
Which of the following fish is? 
(a) Sea cucumber / c cucumber 
(b) Sea cow / c cow 
(c) Sea horse / C horse 
(d) Sea lion / c lion
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Sol. Starfish or Sea stars are star-shaped echinoderms belonging to the class Asteroidea.
Sea horse is the name given to 54 species of small marine fishes of the genus Hippocampus which is bony fish.

Q9. Which is the biggest mammal? 
(a) Whale / Whale 
(b) Afrecian Elephant / African Elephant 
(c) Hippopotamus / Hippopotamus 
(d) Polar Bear / Fry Bear
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Sol. Whales are the largest mammals ever known to have lived on earth.
Whales range in size from the blue whale, the largest animal known to have ever existed at 30 m (98 ft) and 180 tons (180 long tons; 200 short tons) to pygmy species such as the Pygmy Sperm Whale at 3.5 m (11 ft).

Q10. From which of the following groups the whale 
belongs to-
(a) Fishes / fishes 
(b) Mammals / mammals 
(c) Reptiles / Reptiles 
(d) Amphibians / Amphibians
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Sol. Whales are the largest mammals ever known to have lived on earth.
Whales range in size from the blue whale, the largest animal known to have ever existed at 30 m (98 ft) and 180 tons (180 long tons; 200 short tons) to pygmy species such as the Pygmy Sperm Whale at 3.5 m (11 ft).

Q11. Crabs belongs to the phylum - 
Crab is related to which file -
(a) Mollusca / Mollusca 
(b) Cnidaria / Cnidaria 
(c) Arthropoda / Arthropoda 
(d) Platyhelminthes / Platyhelmethis
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Sol. Crabs belongs to the phylum Arthropoda.

Q12. Which of the following is the biggest of the 'toothed-whales? 
Which of the following species is the largest in the 'dentist whale'? 
(a) Finback Whale / Finback Whale 
(b) Blue Whale / Blue Whale 
(c) Sperm Whale / Sperm Whale 
(d) Humpback Whale / Humpback Whale
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Sol. The sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) is the largest of the toothed whales with males growing up to 20 metres in length. The mass of sperm whales ranges between 35000-57000 kg. Females only weight about 1/3 of the males.

Q13 Which of the following gives eggs and does not give birth directly to the children? 
Which is the one in one of the eggs and does not produce young ones directly? 
(a) Echidna / echidna 
(b) Kangaroo / kangaroo 
(c) Porcupine / porcupine 
(d) Whale / Whales
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Sol. Echidnas sometimes known as spiny anteaters belong to the family Tachyglossidae in the monotreme order of egg-lying mammals. The four extinct species, together with the Playtypus are the only surviving members of that order and are the only extinct mammals that lay eggs. Their diet consists of ants and termites but they are not closely related with the true anteaters of America. They live in Australia and New Guinea.

Q14. Mammal capable in flying is- 
Enable mammals in flight-
(a) Jaguar / Jaguar 
(b) Ostrich / ostrich 
(c) Pellican / pelicon 
(d) Bat / bats
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Sol. Bats are the mammals of the order Chiroptera whose forelimbs form webbed wings, making them the only mammals naturally capable of true and sustained flight.

Q15. Consider the following animals- 
a look at the following animals 
1. Sea cow / C cow  
2. Sea horse / C Horse 
3. Sea lion / Sea Lion   
Which of the above is / are mammal  / mammals? 
Which of the above mentioned mammals / mammals? 
(a) Only 1 / only 1 
(b) 1 and 
3/1 and 3 (c) 2 and 
3/2 and 3 (d) All of these / This all
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Sol. Sea cow is a huge herbivorous sea mammal. Seahorse is a small species of Pisces. Sea lion is also a mammal. Hence option (b) is correct.

Q1. From the following option, seal is the species of- With the  
following options, what species of seals is -
(a) fish / fish 
(b) bird / bird 
(c) reptiles / reptile 
(d) mammal / mammal
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Sol. Seals ae semi-aquatic mammals, they are in a group called pinnipeds means fin-footed. All seals are carnivores. Their diet consists of mostly fish, crustaceans, and shellfish.

Q2. Amphibia are-  
Amfibia are
(a) Very fastly moving boats / very fast-moving boat 
(b) Animals living in water only / only stay in the water organisms 
(c) Animals living on land only / only creatures living on land 
( d) Animals living equally in water and on land both / water and living organisms on the ground
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Sol. The word “amphibian” is derived from the ancient Greek term amphibious, which means “both kinds of life”. The term was initially used as a general adjective for animals that could live on land or in water. They are ectotherms or cold-blooded animals, means they are unable to regulate their own body temperature.

Q3 Which of the following separates a human from    Episodes 
(a) Envice a desire to learn / a better ability to learn 
(b) By a rudimentary sense of Smell / Smell Good sense of understanding 
(c) Contrary thumb / opposite thumb 
(d) Broader chin / Chodi chin
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Sol. Human is the smartest creature in the animal kingdom. They are the only creature, who has a desire to learn and the ability to express

Q4. Among the following, which one is not a ape? 
Which of the following is not monkey? 
(a) Gibbon / Gibbon 
(b) Gorilla / Gorilla 
(c) Langur / Langur 
(d) Orangutan / Orangutan
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Sol. Apes are human’s closet living relatives. They do not have tails. In the animal kingdom, they belong to the group (Super family) Hominoidea, gibbon, gorilla, orangutans, chimpanzees and humans. Langur is the general name given to numerous species of Asian monkeys. They have long tails. They are not Apes. They belong to the subfamily Colobinal.

Q5. Smallest man-like ape is:  
The youngest person in the monkey is:
(a) Gibbon / langur 
(b) Chimpanzee / chimpanzee 
(c) Gorilla / Gorilla 
(d) Orangutan / Arangutan
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Sol. The gorilla, chimpanzee, and orangutan are called great apes in recognition of their comparatively large size and human like features. The gibbons are called lesser apes. They are smallest, cleanest and gentlest man like an ape.

Q6. Nilgai belongs to the following family: 
Who is related to Nilgai from among the following families  
(a) Cow / Cow 
(b) Goat / Goat 
(c) Sheep / Sheep 
(d) Deer / Deer
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Sol. Nilgai is the largest Asian antelope species. Antelope are creatures, who has strong permanent horns. There are more than 90 species of antelope.

Q7 Octopus is:  
What is octopus 
(a) arthropod / an arthropod 
(b) An echinoderm / an anodromarm 
(c) A hemichordate / a hemichordate 
(d) A mollusc / a mollusk
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Sol. An octopus is a cephalopod mollusc of the order Octopoda, also knows devil fish. It has two eyes and four pairs of arms and like other cephalopods, it is bilaterally symmetric.

Q8. The largest invertebrate is- 
the largest invertebrates- 
(a) Octopus / Octopus 
(b) Squid / Squid 
(c) Coral / Coral 
(d) Jellyfish / Jellyfish
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Sol. Invertebrate is the animals that do not have a backbone. The colossal squid is the largest invertebrate. It’s maximum size is 12 – 14 metre.

Q9. Among the following organisms, which one does not belong to other three? 
In which of the following creatures, which is not related to the class of the other three? 
(a) Crab / Crab 
(b) Mite / Mite 
(c) Scorpion / Scorpion 
(d) Spider / Spider
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Sol. Class of crab : Malacostraca
Class of mite : Arachnida
Class of scorpion : Arachnida
Class of spider : Arachnida 

Q10. White leg-horn is a variety of 
white feet -horn is a  type of
parrot / parrot 
(b) peacock / peacock 
(c) fowl / cock 
(d) owl / owl 
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Sol. White leg-horn is a variety of fowl.

Q11. Ticks and mites are actually: 
Teaks and Mats are in fact:
(a) Arachnids / Aarchind 
(b) Crustaceans / Crustaceans 
(c) Insects / Insects 
(d) Myriapods / Myriapodes
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Sol. Ticks and mites belongs to one of the most diverse groups of class, Arachnids. They have 4 pairs of legs, although some juveniles only have 3 pairs gaining the fourth pair with their first molt. There is no external segmentation of the abdomen, individuals appear as a single body mass. 

Q12.Glow worm is- 
what is glowm? 
(a) A mollusca / a mollusca 
(b) An insect / a worm 
(c) A worm / one worm 
(d) A nematode / a neemode
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Sol. Glow-worm is a medium to large sized invertebrate luminous insect, that emits light. The light of the glow-worm larva is given off by small tubes ending around the glow-worms anus, as a product of excretion.

Q13. Which one of the following is not a insect? 
Which of the following is not a pest? 
(a) Bed bug / cough 
(b) Spider / spider 
(c) House fly / house fly 
(d) Mosquito / mosquito
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Sol. Spiders belong to a group of animals called “arachnids”. Arachnids are a creature with two body segments, eight legs, no wings or antennae. All spiders are predators and many eat each other. Rest three options are insects. They have six legs, while spider has eight legs. Thus spider is not an insect.

Q14. Spiders are different from insects because they have - 
spiders are different from insects because they have ______. 
(a) Six feet / six legs 
(b) Eight legs / eight legs 
(c) Ten legs / ten legs 
(d) Twelve legs / twelve limbs
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Sol. Spiders belong to a group of animals called “arachnids”. Arachnids are a creature with two body segments, eight legs, no wings or antennae. All spiders are predators and many eat each other. Rest three options are insects. They have six legs, while spider has eight legs. Thus spider is not an insect.

Q15. Which of the following group of animals are nocturnal animals? 
Which of these animals are the animals of the night? 
(a) Housefly, Bedbug, Parrot / Fly, Kidney, Parrot 
(b) Mosquito, Bats, Owl / Mosquito, Bright, Owl 
(c) Mosquito, Sparrow, Deer / Mosquito, Bird, Deer 
(d) Owl, Bats, Dog / Owl, leather, dog 
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Sol. Nocturnal animals are more active at night than during the day. These animals sleep during the day, often in a burrow or den. Nocturnal creatures generally have highly developed senses of hearing, smell, and specially adapted eyesight. Mosquito, bat, owl and kiwi are some example of nocturnal animals.

Q1. Peeling of onions causes tears as 
 onions release- Tears  are caused by peeling onions because _________ emerges from onion. 
(a) Sulphonic acid / sulfonic acid 
(b) Sulfenic acid / Sulfanic acid 
(c) Amino acid / amino acids 
(d) Carbolic acid / Carbolic acid
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Ans. (B) 
Sol. Peeling, cutting or crushing an onion's tissue releases enzyme called alliinases which convert to these molecules to sulfenic acids. The sulfenic acid in turn, spontaneously rearranges to form syn-propanethial-s-oxide, the chemical that triggers the tears.

Q2. The most important part of the plant in term of life - Which is the most important part of the plant during the  
life cycle? 
(a) Flower / Flower 
(b) Leaf / Leaf 
(c) Stem / Stem 
(d) Root / Root
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Ans. (A) 
Sol. The flower is the most important part of the life cycle. The biological function of a flower is to mediate the union of male and female gametes in order to produce seeds. The process starts with pollination followed by fertilization and continues with the formation and dispersal of the seed.

Q3 Pungency in chillies is due to the presence of:  
What is the sharpness in chilli? 
(a) Lycopene / lycopene 
(b) Capsaicin / capsyn 
(c) Carotene / Carotene 
(d) Anthocyanin / Anthocannin
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Ans. (B) 
Sol. Chillies are highly valued for their high pungency and color. Pungency in chillies is due to the active constituent "Capsaicin" an alkaloid which is extracted from chillies and is used to the medicine. The molecular formula of Capsaicin is C_18 H_27 NO_3.

Q4. Red chillies are hot because these contain 
red chillies are hot because  they include
(a) Ricin / Ricin 
(b) Capsaicin / capsakekin  
(c) Arecoline / Erkolene 
(d) Caffeol / caffeine
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Ans. (B) 
Sol. Red chillies are hot because they contain capsaicin. Its chemical formula is C_18 H_27 NO_3.

Q5. At the stage in its life cycle, does the silkworm yield the fiber of commerce? 
At which stage of your lifecycle, silkworm makes salesable fibers? 
(a) Egg / Egg 
(b) Larva / Larva 
(c) Pupa / Pupa 
(d) Imago / Imago
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Ans. (C) 
Sol. The silkworm produces the silk of commercial significance in its stage of its life cycle. The silkworm's life cycle The larva is the vegetative stage In pupa stage, as the silkworm prepares to pupate, it spins a protection cocoon. About the size and color of a cotton ball, the cocoon is constructed from one continuous strand of silk probably 1.5 km long. The silk cocoon serves as protection for the pupa. Cocoon is the stage in which the larva spins silk thread is around it and Imago is the adult stage which completes the life cycle of a silk worm.

Q6. Silkworm grows on-  
silk worms grow on what? 
(a) Reetha leaves / rye leaves 
(b) Ficus leaves / ficus leaves 
(c) Peach leaves / peach leaves 
(d) Mulberry leaves / mulberry leaves
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Ans. (D) 
Sol. The silkworm is the larva or caterpillar of the domesticated silkmoth, Bombyx mori. It is an economically important insect, being a primary producer of silk. It grows on the leaves of the Mulberry tree

Quinine which is a major drug for malaria is obtained from Quinine, which is a major drug for malaria, is obtained  from ______. 
(a) Angiosperm / Angiosperm 
(b) Bacteria / Bacterial 
(c) Yeast / Yeast 
(d) Algae / Algae
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Ans. (A) 
Sol. Quinine is a major drug used to treat malaria. Quinine is extracted from the bark of Cinchona tree It is an angiosperm plant. Quinine is a white crystalline alkaloid and bitter in taste. It is also used in the treatment of arthritis and prion-related disease.

Q8. The arteher medicine, which is used to cure malaria, is  
derived from _____. 
(a) Seeded plant / seed plant 
(b) Fungus / fungus 
(c) Bacteria / Bacteria 
(d) Algae / Algae
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Ans. (A) 
Sol. The Arteether Medicine, which is used to cure malaria is obtained from a seeded plant, Artemisia annua. Chloroquine, atovaquine, barium and paludrine medicines are also used to cure malaria. It is notable that the plasmodium parasite The parasite can be spread through human anopheles mosquito.

Q9. The drug obtained from the bark of cinchona used for treating malaria. The synthetic drug which replaced the natural product is: The  
medicine obtained from the bone of Kunen was used to treat malaria. The artificial drug that replaces the natural product is:
(a) Chloromycetin / Chloromycetin 
(b) Chloroquine / chloroquine 
(c) Tetracycline / tetracycline 
(d) Ampicillin / Ampicillin
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Ans. (B) 
Sol. Quinine occurs naturally from the bark of the cinchona tree and used in the treatment of malaria but now it is substituted by Chloroquine. It is a synthetic drug used to kill sensitive malaria parasites.

Q10. Which one of the following groups of organisms has been found in diagnosing the death by drowning? 
Which of the following groups is important in the diagnosis of death due to immersion in organisms. 
(a) Lichens / Lyon 
(b) Protozoa / protozoa 
(c) Cyanobacteria / cyanobacteria 
(d) Diatoms / diatoms
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Ans. (D) 
Sol. Diatoms are useful in forensic studies. It is important in diagnosing the death by drowning. Diatoms are photosynthetic algae and are found in almost every aquatic environment including fresh and marine waters, soils and almost at every humid place.

Q11. The mulberry fruit is: 
Shehtut is the fruit:
(a) Sorosis / Sorosis 
(b) Syconus / Cyconos 
(c) Samara / Samara 
(d) Nut / Nut
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Ans. (A) 
Sol. The mulberry fruit is also known as the Sorosis. Sorosis is a multiple fleshy fruits that are derived from the ovaries of multiple flowers. The seeds are achenes, on the outside of a fleshy fruit. Pineapple and Ficus are also the examples of Sorosis fruit.

Q12. Which fiber is not a product of plant stem: Which of the following fiber is not a product of  
the stem of the stem:
(a) Flax / Flex 
(b) Hemp / Hamp 
(c) Jute / Jute 
(d) Cotton / cotton
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Ans. (D) 
Sol. The fiber from the flax, hemp, and jute is obtained from stems, while cotton is obtained from the cotton plant, called cotton balls. Cotton fibers are classified in two types namely lint and fuzz respectively. Lint fibre is more important for commercial purpose than fuzz fibre.

Q13. Leg-haemoglobin is found in- 
what is found in  leg-hemoglobin? 
(a) Human blood / Human blood 
(b) Rabbit blood / Rabbit blood 
(c) Legume root nodules / Legume root nodule 
(d) Chicken blood / Chicken blood
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Ans. (C) 
Sol. Leg-haemoglobin is found in root nodules of leguminous plants such as alfalfa and soyabean.

Q14. Which one of the following is a man-made cereal, not found in nature? 
Which of the following grains is man made, is not found in nature? 
(a) Dwarf wheat / Dwarf wheat 
(b) Hybrid maize / hybrid maize 
(c) Triticale / Triticale 
(d) Soybean / Soybean
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Ans. (C) 
Sol. Triticale is a man-made diet which is not found in nature. In fact, it is a hybrid small grain produced by crossing wheat and rye. Wheat was used as female parent and produced by Scotland and Sweden.

Q15. Canola refers to a special type of oilseed mustard varieties breed for human consumption. The main characteristic of these varieties is that:  
Canola refers to a particular type of oilseed mustard breeds for human consumption. The main feature of these varieties is that:
(a) Seeds have very high oil content / Seed contains too much oil 
(b) Oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids / oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids 
(c) Oil is long shelf-life / oil shelf life is long 
(d) Oil has very low erucic acid content / oil contains less erucic acid
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Ans. (D) 
Sol. Canola refers to a special type of edible oil which was bred naturally from rapeseed at the University of Manitoba, Canada by Keith Downey and Baldur R. Stefansson in the early 1970s. Canola seeds are used to produce edible oil, which is considered as safe for human consumption. Canola oil has low saturated fat and contains both omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acid. This is good for human health.

Q1. In Vermiculture, the worm used is-  
in vermi culture, the worm used is
(a) Tapeworm / tapeworm 
(b) Silkworm / silk worm 
(c) Threadworm / Thredwarm 
(d) Earthworm / Earthworms
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S1. Ans.(d)
Sol. Vermiculture means worm growing or worm farming. When earthworms are used primarily for the production of compost, the practice is referred to as vermicomposting. 

Q2. Mammoth is the 
ancestor of Mammoth whose ancestor is?  
(a) Dog / Dog 
(b) Horse / Horse 
(c) Camel / Camel 
(d) Elephant / Elephant
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S2. Ans.(d)
Sol. Extinct mammoth is more closely related to today’s African elephant or Asian elephant. Modern elephants and wooly mammoths share a common ancestor, that lived about 7 million years ago. 

Q3 Clove is 
a - Long  is one-
(a) Buds of stem / Stem bud 
(b) Bales of root / Knot of root 
(c) Closed buds / Closed bud 
(d) Seed / Seed
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S3. Ans.(c)
Sol. Cloves are the aromatic closed, dried floral bud, which is used in Ayurvedic medicine, making food and as an anodyne for dental emergences.

Q4. A hydrophyte is 
hydrophyte is- 
(a) A marine animal / a marine animal (a) a 
aquatic plant / aquatic plant 
(c) A plant disease / plant disease 
(d) A rootless plant / a rootless plant 
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S4. Ans.(b)
Sol. Hydrophytes or an aquatic plants are plants, that have adapted to live in an aquatic environment (salt water of fresh water). 

Q5. Mendel's principle of inheritance is based on 
is based on the principle of Mendel's inheritance
(a) Vegetative reproduction / vegetative reproduction 
(b) Asexual reproduction / asexual reproduction 
(c) Sexual reproduction / sexual reproduction 
(d) All of the above / all of the above
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S5. Ans.(c)
Sol. Mendel’s principle of inheritance is based on sexual reproduction.

Q6. What are vitamins? 
Are Vitamins? 
(a) Organic Compound / Organic Compound 
(b) Inorganic Compound / Inorganic Compound 
(c) Living organism / Living organisms 
(d) None of these / None of these
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S6. Ans.(a)
Sol. Vitamins are organic compounds and a vital nutrient that an organism requires in limited amounts.

Q7 Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? 
Which of the following do not match correctly? 
(a) Vitamin A / Vitamin A  -Night Blindness / Nightfall 
(b) Vitamin B_3 / Vitamin B_3 -Pellagra / Pelagra 
(c) Vitamin D / Vitamin D   -Colour Bindness / Color Blurness 
(d) Folic acid / Folic  Acid- Anemia / Anemia
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S7. Ans.(c)
Sol. Colour blindness is a sex-linked genetic disorder. It does not relate to vitamin D. The deficiency of Vitamin A causes night blindness. Vitamin B_3 is also called niacin . Its deficiency causes pellagra. The deficiency of folic acid causes anaemia. 

Q8. What 
happens if the pancreas is defective: What if the pancreas is  distorted? 
(a) Digestion will not take proper digestion 
(b) Insulin and glucagon are not formed / insulin and glucagon will not be formed 
(c) Blood formation will stop / blood formation will stop 
(d) Blood pressure will increase / Blood pressure will increase
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S8. Ans.(b)
Sol. The pancreas is a mixed gland which secretes digestive enzyme and the beta cells of islets of Langerhans secrete insulin, alpha cells secrete glucagon, delta cells secrete somatostatin hormone. If the pancreas is defective by any of the reason, then the formation of insulin and glucagon are affected badly. 

Q9. Which one of the following is a plant hormone? 
Which of the following is the plant hormone? 
(a) Insulin / Insulin 
(b) Thyroxine / Thyroxine 
(c) Estrogen / Estrogen 
(d) Cytokinin / cytokinin 
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S9. Ans.(d)
Sol. The plant hormones are generally classified into five groups,
These are :
(i) Abscisic acid  (ii) Auxins
(iii) Cytokinins  (iv) Ethylene
(v) Gibberellins

Q10. Insulin is received from 
receive insulin is
(a) Rhizome of ginger / from rhizome of ginger 
roots (b) Roots of dahlia / Dhlia 
(c) Balsam flower / Blsm flowers 
from Potatoes tuber / potato tubers (d)
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S10. Ans.(b)
Sol. Insulin is a hormone which plays an important role in the regulation of blood glucose level. The main source in insulin from the roots of dahlias and Beta β-cells of the pancreas.

Q11. Which one of the following human organs is responsible for detoxification of alcohol? Which part of human being responsible for the detoxification of alcohol? 
(a) Liver / liver 
(b) Lung / lung 
(c) Heart / heart 
(d) Waist / Waist
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S11. Ans.(a)
Sol. The liver is responsible for the detoxification of alcohol. Liver detoxify harmful substances through the complex chemical reactions. 

Q12. The 'blue baby' pollution disease is due to the excessive presence of which in the drinking water? 
'Blue Baby' pollution is caused due to excessive presence of the disease in drinking water in the disease? 
(a) Fluoride / Fluoride 
(b) Chloride / Chloride 
(c) Nitrate / Nitrate 
(d) Arsenic / Arsenic
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S12. Ans.(c)
Sol. Blue baby syndrome is an illness that begins when a large amount of nitrates in water are ingested by an infant and converted to nitrite by the digestive system.

Q13. The polio virus enters the body through 
(a) Dog bite / Dog bite 
(b) Mosquito bite / Mosquito cutting 
(c) Polluted food and water / Polluted food and water 
(d) Saliva / Saliva 
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S13. Ans.(c)
Sol. Polio is a highly contagious viral infection that can lead to paralysis, breathing problems or even death.  The polio virus enters into the body through polluted food and water.

Q14. The disease caused by  
(a) Tuberculosis / TB 
(b) Dysentery / Germ 
(c) Cancer / Cancer 
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S14. Ans.(d)
Sol. AIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a syndrome caused by a virus celledHIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus).

Q15. Leprosy is caused by  
the cause of leprosy:
(a) Bacteria / bacteria 
(b) Virus / Virus 
(c) Fungus / Fungus 
(d) Protozoa / protozoa
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S15. Ans.(a)
Sol. Leprosy is caused by a slow-growing type of bacteria called Mycobacterium leprae (M. leprae).