Weird Science Facts That Are Absolutely True

Weird Science Facts That Are Absolutely True

Did you know that giraffes only sleep for about 20 minutes every 24 hours? Talk about productive! Or do you know what travels 200 mph within the human body ? It’s messages from the brain to the nerves. That’s impressive.

Babies are born with 270 bones in their body.
But adult humans only have 206 bones. How is that possible? As a baby develops and grows, some bones fuse together, bringing their total closer to the 200 mark as they age.
And speaking of bones..
The smallest bones we have are within the middle of our ear. The longest and strongest bone is the femur. The second largest bone is the tibia. And 25% of bones are found in your feet.

Your body has far more bacteria than human cells.
Most of these are helpful bacteria. The beneficial bacteria within our bodies is needed to help fight off the bad bacteria.

This is the quickest fix for a slim down.
If you want to weigh in at a smaller poundage, all you have to do is make a trip to the moon. The gravities are different and the moon has only a sixth of gravity of the earth. Need to put on some weight? On Jupiter, you will weigh more than double.
Want to grow up a little, too? Turns out less gravity equals more inches, as your spine straightens out without the weight of gravity pushing you down.
More fun facts about the human body:
The bodies largest muscle is the gluteus maximus meaning you can work it out several times a week with minimal soreness.

The brain is more active at night than during the day. Hence all the dreaming.
Your eyes are always the same size, from birth to death, but your ears and nose never stop growing.
Just like fingerprints, each person’s tongue has its own unique markings
The human brain has so many nerve cells, it would take almost 3,000 years to count them all.
Taking one step uses up to 200 muscles.

Camels don’t store water in their humps.
Camels can guzzle up to 30 gallons of water in 13 minutes. And while you may believe that camels store water in their humps, that’s actually not true. Water is stored in the bloodstream of the camels. The humps contain fatty tissue and provide nourishment in times without a lot of food.

Seahorses love to eat.
Seahorses are hungry and eat all the time. They are always eating plankton and small crustaceans. Seahorses don’t have stomachs, so the food they consume is digested almost immediately. Seahorses do have intestines so that they can absorb nutrients but without a stomach, all these animals want is food.

Cats really do always land on their feet.
It’s no wonder cats always land on their feet. And it’s all thanks to Physics. Cats use both “halves” of their bodies separately to ensure they rotate fast enough to land on their feet. Lucky.

Luna moths are mouthless.
After the cocoon stage, the luna moth emerges and lives for only 7 days. Within that time, they mate and then die due to starvation. Rough (and short) life, huh?

The octopus has a lot of organs.
Did you know that an octopus has nine brains? Each arm has a smaller brain in addition to one central brain, bringing the total to nine. It also has blue blood and three hearts. Two of the hearts are for the gills and one for the rest of its body.

Peacocks have a different name if they are females.
They are called peahens. And both the female and males are known as peafowls and their offspring are called peachicks. And like so many others in the animal world, the males have the big, ornate, and beautiful tail, also known as a train. While the peahen is mostly brown with a white underbelly.

Baby elephants are just like human babies.
What? How? Baby elephants weigh 200 pounds on average and a human baby is less than 10. But they are alike in one sense. Baby elephants comfort themselves very similarly to a baby, by sucking their trunks.

For the sweetest of sleepy time facts, sea otters hold hands during slumber to ensure they stay together while drifting off. (To sleep that is.)
Flamingos are a rare and beautiful pink color, but not naturally! They are originally white but because of their diet of brine shrimp and algae, they turn pink.
Talk about a stink off. Male ring-tailed lemurs fight with their scent, by wafting it at each other.
Meet the Jackass Penguin. This african penguin is called a jackass because of the donkey like sounds it emits.
And for a smaller and more condensed sleep, toucans curl into themselves to form a ball when they sleep.
Science is all around us and there are so many misconceptions and unknowns to find out. How cool is that?

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