• The part of the brain which is concerned with muscular co-ordination in the body -Cerebellum
  • The structure for the alteration of the shape of the lens - Ciliary body/ ciliary muscles
  • The structure for the constriction of the pupil in bright light - Iris
  • The nerve which transmits impulses from the eye to the brain Optic Nerve
  • The muscles in the human eye which are concerned with the following of objects at different distances - Radial and circular muscle/ ciliary muscle
  • The unit of nervous system - Neuron
  • The neurons which carry impulses from receptor to brain - Sensory neurons
  • The neuron which transmits impulses from brain to the effector organ Motor neurons
  • The lower part of brain which contains reflex centre - Spinal Cord
  • The number of spinal nerves in man- 31 pairs
  • The middle coat of the eye, soft vascular and thin layer - Choroid
  • The sensitive cells present in the retina - Rods and Cones
  • The smallest bone in the human body - Stapes
  • Most important part of nervous systemBrain
  • The membrane covering the brain and spinal cord - Meninges
  • Response to a stimulus without the intervention of the will of an animal Reflex Action
  • The point in the centre of the retina where the rods and cones are highly concentrated -Yellow Spot
  • One neuro-transmitter - Acetyl Choline
  • Defect of the eye in which distant objects are not seen clearly - Myopia
  • Defect of the eye in which near objects are not seen clearly Hypermetropia
  • A bony socket in which eye is well protected - Orbit
  • A small opening in the centre of the Iris Pupil
  • Inner sensitive coat of the eye ball - Retina
  • The organ of hearing Ear
  • The structure of the ear which helps in the balancing of the body- Semi-circular canals
  • Jelly-like material filled in the space between the lens and the retina- Vitreous humour
  • The fluid filled in the space between the cornea and the lens - Aqueous humour
  • The structure that protects the eye-ball and maintains its shape - Sclera
  • The structure that has a sensory organ called 'organ of corti' Cochlea
  • The defect of the eye caused due to the uneven curvature of the cornea - Astigmatism
  • The parts of autonomous nervous system - Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system
  • The nerves which transmit impulses from ear to the brain - Auditory Nerve

Q1. Haemoglobin has the highest affinity from the given options - 
Of the given alternatives, which is the highest attraction of hemoglobin? 
(a) Oxygen (Oxygen) 
(b) Hydrogen (Hydrogen) 
(c) Carbon dioxide (Carbon dioxide) 
(d) Nitrogen (Nitrogen) 
Ans. (A) 
Sol Haemoglobin has more affinity for oxygen than other three gases. 

Q2. Number of teeth that are referenced in man are - 
The number of teeth in a human are: 
(a) 12 
(b) 20 
(c) 32 
(d) 16 
A. (b) 
Sol.There are 20 temporary teeth in humans whose dental formula is 2102/2102 in which numerator represents upper jawa and denominator represents lower jaw. Order is as incisors, canines, premolar and molar 

Q3. The largest organ of human body is 
Human body is the largest organ - 
(a) Heart (heart) 
(b) Brain (brain) 
(c) Liver (liver) 
(d) Kidney (kidney) 
Ans. (C) 
Sol Liver is the largest organ of human body 

Q4. Which is the greatest endocrine gland in the body? 
Which of the following is the largest endocrine gland in the body? 
(a) Thyroid (thyroid) 
(b) Parathyroid 
(c) Adrenal (adrenal) 
(d) Pituitary (pituitary) 
Ans. (A) 
Sol.Thyroid gland is largest endocrine gland. 

Q5. Pituitary gland is located in the - 
Pituitary gland is located in ________ 
(a) Base of the heart (heart base) 
(b) Base of the brain (base of the brain) 
(c) Neck (neck) 
(d) Abdomen (stomach) 
A. (b) 
Sol.Pitutary gland is located at the base of the brain. It is also called as master gland 

Q6. Hypertension is the term used for - 
High blood pressure is the word used for? 
(a) Increase in heart rate (increase in heart rate) 
(b) Decrease in heart rate (decrease in heart rate) 
(c) Decrease in blood pressure (decrease in blood pressure) 
(d) Increase in blood pressure (increase in blood pressure) 
A. (d) 
Sol.Hyperoution is the increase of blood pressure 

Q7 Which one is the power to our body? 
Which of the following gives energy to our body? 
(a) Vitamins (Vitamin) 
(b) Carbohydrate (carbohydrate) 
(c) Water (water) 
(d) Proteins (Proteins) 
A. (b) 
Sol Carbohydrate is 

Q8. Mumps disease is caused by - 
Mumps is the cause of the disease - 
(a) Virus (Virus) 
(b) Bacteria (bacteria) 
(c) Fungus (fungus) 
(d) Protozoa (protozoa) 
Ans. (A) 
Sol Mumps disease is caused by paramoxovirus (RNA virus). 

Q9. Father of biology is - 
Father of biology - 
(a) Aristotle (Aristotle) 
(b) Robert Hooke (Robert Hookke) 
(c) Carolus Linnaeus (Carolus Linnaeus) 
(d) Joseph Lister (Joseph Lister) 
Ans. (A) 
Sol Aristotle is father of biology. 

Q10. Which gland is also known as 4S gland? 
Which gland is also known by the name of the 4S gland? 
(a) Pancreas (pancreatic) 
(b) Adrenal gland (adrenal gland) 
(c) Parathyroid gland (pteroidoid gland) 
(d) Pituitary gland (pituitary gland) 
A. (b) 
Sol Adrenal gland is called as 4S gland because it is responsible for sugar metabolism, salt retaining, sex harmon and source of energy. 

Q11. Virus in which RNA is found as genetic material is called? 
Viruses in which RNA are found in the form of genetic material? 
(a) Mosaic virus 
(b) Retrovirus (retrovirus) 
(c) Azospirillum (Azospirillum) 
(d) Clastridium (Clustridium) 
A. (b) 
Sol.Retrovirus, any of a group of viruses that belong to the family Retroviridae and that characteristically carry their genetic blueprint in the form of ribonucleic acid (RNA). 

Q12.To which group of blood a universal recipient belongs? 
Which group of a universal recipient is? 
(a) A group 
(b) B group 
(c) O group 
(d) AB group 
A. (d) 
Sol A person who has group AB blood and is therefore able to receive blood from a person with any other blood type. Group AB blood contains red blood cells that have both antigens A and B and thus does not reactivate antibodies so it is universal reciever. 

Q13. Formic acid is produced by - 
Formic acid is produced by whom? 
(a) Honey Bee (Bee) 
(b) Cockroaches (Cockroaches) 
(c) Red ants (red ants) 
(d) Mosquitoes (mosquito) 
Ans. (C) 
Sol.The acid produced by ants is called formic acid. 

Q14. Wings of birds are - 
Birds have wings - 
(a) Integumentary Outgrowth (Whole Growth) 
(b) Modified forelimbs (Modified forelimbs) 
(c) Modified hindlimbs (Modified Hindlimbs) 
(d) New structure (new structure) 
A. (b) 
Sol.W.Wings of birds are modified forelimbs 

Q15. Sweat glands in mammals are primarily related with - 
The sweat glands in mammals are mainly related to _______- 
(a) Removal of excess salts (extra salts removal) 
(b) Excretion of nitrogenous wastes (emission of nitrogenous waste) 
(c) Thermoregulation 
(d) Sex-attraction 
Ans. (C) 
Sol Sweat glands in mammals have function of Thermoregulation and it cools down